Meet Julie Insley
I am a Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH) practicing for 25 years. My interests in natural healing methods were sparked by my experiences with the limitations of allopathic medicine and from suffering chemical damage due to occupational exposures. In those days I was able to heal with herbs, supplements, diet, yoga, and physical fitness. However, when I received vaccines necessary for overseas travel, I experienced severe immune system problems as a result. Only with homeopathic treatment was I finally able to heal. It was this learning process and the resulting lifestyle changes that led me to the study of homeopathy.
Homeopathic Education & Training
I graduated from the Southeastern Homeopathic College and did my clinical training in North Carolina, Washington, California, Florida, and India. I found it vital to study with a variety of teachers in different parts of the world to learn other methods and gain firsthand experience with how homeopathy was practiced and respected in other cultures. Throughout my career, I've continued to travel and consult with homeopaths in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, Quebec City, Vancouver, Izmir Turkey, and Trinidad West Indies. These international connections broadened my knowledge and enhanced my feelings for homeopathy as a universal agent for transformation, change and healing. Over the years, I have been dedicated to the study and application of homeopathy for health improvement and personal change, networking with communities for holistic health care and social evolution.
Specialty Areas
Health consumers seek homeopaths for help in all types of conditions. Professional homeopaths in the USA are not licensed medical doctors; therefore we do not diagnose, treat or prescribe. We practice and advise as health consultants according to standard accepted homeopathic principles. We do not advise regarding prescription drugs. If you need this type care, please consult elsewhere.
I have experience working with adult complaints of allergies, skin conditions, depression, anxiety, phobias, digestive problems, women’s hormonal & menstrual irregularities, chemical sensitivities, insomnia, and more… With children I have substantial experience working with those previously diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADD, ADHD, PDD, Autism Spectrum (including Asperger’s), and other types of delayed development. Other pediatric issues that benefit from homeopathy include: skin problems, bed wetting, allergies (food, seasonal pollen or mold), sensitivities, digestive and behavior problems.
Professional Certifications & Affiliations
Council on Homeopathic Certification (CHC) - national certification as Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH). Served on the Applicant Case Review Committee and on the CHC Examination Review Project. Vision is for the future of homeopathy as a unified profession of highly trained and certified practitioners.
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) - registered as a professional homeopath RSHom(NA). Goals include: legitimize homeopathy as a profession through a strong political voice and gain acceptance of homeopathy in the
health care system.
National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) - a professional member, and past leader of local affiliated study groups. Dedicated to promoting health through homeopathy by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy.
Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy - past field clinical instructor. Continue to provide clinical training and mentorship for homeopathic students.
Homeopathy Without Borders - 2009 instructor for a one week teaching trip to Trinidad, West Indies
Program on Integrative Medicine (PIM), Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, UNC-Chapel Hill - CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) consultant. Previously part of an NIH grant for “Integrating CAM into Health Professions Education in NC.” Developed and edited educational materials, gave lectures on homeopathy to students and professionals, and worked with CAM groups to facilitate progressive change by integrating CAM education into conventional venues. Annual guest lecturer for the university PIM class. Community Preceptor for medical and allied health students from UNC-CH.
Citizens for Healthcare Freedom, a non-profit organization dedicated to empower individuals through education, to make informed healthcare choices and decisions, and educate the public about natural health issues. Vice-president and board member for three years, then served on the Advisory Board. Introduced Health Freedom legislation to the NC Legislative General Assembly.
National Health Freedom Coalition – non-profit organization with the vision of ‘A healthy nation, with empowered people, making informed health care decisions’. Served on the board of directors for 3.5 years.
Homeopathic Education & Training
I graduated from the Southeastern Homeopathic College and did my clinical training in North Carolina, Washington, California, Florida, and India. I found it vital to study with a variety of teachers in different parts of the world to learn other methods and gain firsthand experience with how homeopathy was practiced and respected in other cultures. Throughout my career, I've continued to travel and consult with homeopaths in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, Quebec City, Vancouver, Izmir Turkey, and Trinidad West Indies. These international connections broadened my knowledge and enhanced my feelings for homeopathy as a universal agent for transformation, change and healing. Over the years, I have been dedicated to the study and application of homeopathy for health improvement and personal change, networking with communities for holistic health care and social evolution.
Specialty Areas
Health consumers seek homeopaths for help in all types of conditions. Professional homeopaths in the USA are not licensed medical doctors; therefore we do not diagnose, treat or prescribe. We practice and advise as health consultants according to standard accepted homeopathic principles. We do not advise regarding prescription drugs. If you need this type care, please consult elsewhere.
I have experience working with adult complaints of allergies, skin conditions, depression, anxiety, phobias, digestive problems, women’s hormonal & menstrual irregularities, chemical sensitivities, insomnia, and more… With children I have substantial experience working with those previously diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADD, ADHD, PDD, Autism Spectrum (including Asperger’s), and other types of delayed development. Other pediatric issues that benefit from homeopathy include: skin problems, bed wetting, allergies (food, seasonal pollen or mold), sensitivities, digestive and behavior problems.
Professional Certifications & Affiliations
Council on Homeopathic Certification (CHC) - national certification as Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH). Served on the Applicant Case Review Committee and on the CHC Examination Review Project. Vision is for the future of homeopathy as a unified profession of highly trained and certified practitioners.
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) - registered as a professional homeopath RSHom(NA). Goals include: legitimize homeopathy as a profession through a strong political voice and gain acceptance of homeopathy in the
health care system.
National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) - a professional member, and past leader of local affiliated study groups. Dedicated to promoting health through homeopathy by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy.
Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy - past field clinical instructor. Continue to provide clinical training and mentorship for homeopathic students.
Homeopathy Without Borders - 2009 instructor for a one week teaching trip to Trinidad, West Indies
Program on Integrative Medicine (PIM), Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, UNC-Chapel Hill - CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) consultant. Previously part of an NIH grant for “Integrating CAM into Health Professions Education in NC.” Developed and edited educational materials, gave lectures on homeopathy to students and professionals, and worked with CAM groups to facilitate progressive change by integrating CAM education into conventional venues. Annual guest lecturer for the university PIM class. Community Preceptor for medical and allied health students from UNC-CH.
Citizens for Healthcare Freedom, a non-profit organization dedicated to empower individuals through education, to make informed healthcare choices and decisions, and educate the public about natural health issues. Vice-president and board member for three years, then served on the Advisory Board. Introduced Health Freedom legislation to the NC Legislative General Assembly.
National Health Freedom Coalition – non-profit organization with the vision of ‘A healthy nation, with empowered people, making informed health care decisions’. Served on the board of directors for 3.5 years.